Emergency Dental Care
We understand the pain that toothache can cause. Wherever possible, please contact us about your dental emergency during our surgery hours. If you need to be seen on the same day, please get in touch as early in the day as you can.
We offer convenient opening hours and always aim to see patients in pain on the same day. If your emergency is out of surgery hours, please call 02476 312256 and listen to the answer machine to hear details of our on-call dentist.
If you have a dental emergency out of our opening hours, please call 111.
Get In Touch Early If You Have A Dental Emergency

Toothache is one of the most miserable and debilitating types of pain and it doesn’t generally go away without a visit to the dentist for treatment. Don’t suffer the pain of toothache; let us help you back to health.
- Our friendly reception team will aim to accommodate you as early as possible.
- Work is undertaken by our gentle, dedicated dentists.
- Read our FAQs below for advice on the more common causes of toothache.
- Visit us as regular as recommended to avoid painful problems arising.
- Maintain your teeth and gums thoroughly between dental visits.
Request a callback

If you are suffering from toothache this will require attention. Contact us immediately to organise an appointment as quickly and conveniently as possible for you. Painkillers such as paracetamol are recommended to tackle the pain, although please do not exceed the maximum dose and seek advice if you are unsure.
Swellings are normally caused by an infection. Contact us immediately to receive treatment or advice.
Fractured teeth can usually be restored. If the tooth is painful, avoid hot or cold and try not to eat or bite on that side i.e. relieve the tooth from extreme temperatures and pressure. Painkillers such as paracetamol may assist with the pain. Contact us to arrange an appointment, where we’ll aim to fix the tooth or make it comfortable until a permanent repair can be conducted.
Please contact us immediately and wherever possible keep the crown safe. It may be re-applied by a dentist.
Broken dentures can usually be repaired relatively easily. Please do not try and repair it yourself. Contact us to organise a professional repair.