Kids Zone

Boosting Confidence
If children are educated in the importance of caring for their teeth and gums by visiting their dentist regularly and maintaining good dental habits between dental visits, they will have fewer problems later in life and a healthy smile to be proud of for years to come. We are passionate about finding ways to engage and educate our child patients in the benefits of good dental habits.
Making Dentistry Fun!

We find that playing games and puzzles is a great way to motivate and encourage children to look after their teeth. You’ll find lots of fantastic options which you can play now by clicking on this link:
Children’s doctor : dentist – Apps on Google Play
Fun Mouth Doctor, Dentist Game on the App Store (
- We are passionate about children understanding dental health. Educating children early on is essential to better dental health in adult life.
- We offer convenient appointment times for children (see our Children’s Dentistry section for more information)
- We find that games and puzzles are a great way to educate them.
- We tailor our dental approach to children’s needs.
- We aim to educate children from an early age.
- We encourage you to bring your children from birth.
- We offer lots of tips for maintaining good dental health.